domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2009

Wormwood: 1840

Wellcome to Wormwood.

March 30 1840
This is our small town and we are proud of it!. Its the best place to live!.
Thanks to the vein of silver and gold under the town theres a lot of work on the mine, things coudnt be better!.....

April 3 1841
A year has past...there been odd rumours and a sensation of something here....jeleusy has force to some to comit horrible crimes as the mine is slowly getting dry..
Weird rumours about the indians saying that the land is one belives them...

April 30 1841
The Mayor has been found hanging on his own one knows whats going on as the indians only wait......
The Perinal Family has been the first to leave to new orleans, same whit the Jigsaw Family, the Sweetwater family claims that theres something killing the people and the Cattle...

August 25 1841
The Mine is dying...Farmer Jonah Payton has been found dead...he was cut in half by something ....we are afraid......whispers in the night makes us think this place is really cursed.....

March 30 1942

suva es- Eternae et Damnation
harleton hel El Hombre De Negro He is Coming...

October 31 1942.

the town is timeless, people dont go out on the night. We are happy, theres a mannor beeing built. The Old Sweetwater is crazy....

November 25 1942

April 12 1943

We Decide to left town...

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