sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2009

The Soldier

The Soldier.

Running across the battlefield, Feeling the scent of powder and death in the air. We had to hold on the battlefield against our enemies…our blue uniforms covered on blood and mud, our faces showing expressions of how a men looses his sanity on the war.
Some of us ask for mercy, some others were too afraid while some turned into killing machines…
We heard the shouts of our captains and sergeants as we pray the lord.

A bullet hits my shoulder, breaking and shattering my life as I let my rifle go. Thinking that I should take a look to the dark sky before I die…it would be the last time I will.

I remember that I separate from my unit when we got ambush, we were forced to run into the woods… I don’t have my rifle, my colt doesn’t have ammo. My shoulder is bleeding as the burning pain hits me harder. I don’t care where to run…I know Im being followed on the woods as I hear more shoots, I can hear the bullets whispering in my ear like the reaper’s Scythe.

I keep running, thinking on my parents, on why I am here?...the tears fall over my face as I pee myself...I should be ashamed but…I don’t fucking care anymore.

Suddenly the sound stop…I trip on the floor only to see a dark figure looking at me, a woman whit dark features, smiling as she walks between the woods, covered on dark cloth and whit black skin, her eyes were shining blue, she was short and her brown hair was short, she keep smiling whit such evil on her eyes…I thought I was dead…

She only said “Do you wish to live?”

I didn’t knew what to do or to say….but suddenly I shout “yes” as I was feeling for my life...she walk behind a tree and next time I saw her she was a he, a tall men whit white skin as the snow and a dark smile…

He walk towards me as I look to him whit fear, I feel a shiver when I look to him…almost like when a knife runs on your back.
He said softly “You will live…only if you do something for me first….your life for me..”
I start accepting this destiny, but I start feeling tempted by the idea of surviving to this war, he told me he needed someone to do a special job by bringing the Vendetta to the Wormwood….I don’t know what does it means…and he also told me some words that made me feel…safe…Powerful

After our conversation I asked him “Who are you?” He smiled saying “I am the world forgotten boy…” I saw him feeling that someone had so saved my soul now…

After he left I felt like I was a street walking war dog whit a heart fill of nitroglycerin …I wasn’t afraid of death…I was death.
I killed each motherfucker on my sigh, friend or enemy I didn’t fucking care anymore

….What a fuck I have done now?. I don’t fucking care and now I enjoy the sensation pumping through my veins fill whit hate and knowing that I would win after all….Now where is that Wormwood and what’s the Vendetta all about?

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