sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2009

The Soldier

The Soldier.

Running across the battlefield, Feeling the scent of powder and death in the air. We had to hold on the battlefield against our enemies…our blue uniforms covered on blood and mud, our faces showing expressions of how a men looses his sanity on the war.
Some of us ask for mercy, some others were too afraid while some turned into killing machines…
We heard the shouts of our captains and sergeants as we pray the lord.

A bullet hits my shoulder, breaking and shattering my life as I let my rifle go. Thinking that I should take a look to the dark sky before I die…it would be the last time I will.

I remember that I separate from my unit when we got ambush, we were forced to run into the woods… I don’t have my rifle, my colt doesn’t have ammo. My shoulder is bleeding as the burning pain hits me harder. I don’t care where to run…I know Im being followed on the woods as I hear more shoots, I can hear the bullets whispering in my ear like the reaper’s Scythe.

I keep running, thinking on my parents, on why I am here?...the tears fall over my face as I pee myself...I should be ashamed but…I don’t fucking care anymore.

Suddenly the sound stop…I trip on the floor only to see a dark figure looking at me, a woman whit dark features, smiling as she walks between the woods, covered on dark cloth and whit black skin, her eyes were shining blue, she was short and her brown hair was short, she keep smiling whit such evil on her eyes…I thought I was dead…

She only said “Do you wish to live?”

I didn’t knew what to do or to say….but suddenly I shout “yes” as I was feeling for my life...she walk behind a tree and next time I saw her she was a he, a tall men whit white skin as the snow and a dark smile…

He walk towards me as I look to him whit fear, I feel a shiver when I look to him…almost like when a knife runs on your back.
He said softly “You will live…only if you do something for me first….your life for me..”
I start accepting this destiny, but I start feeling tempted by the idea of surviving to this war, he told me he needed someone to do a special job by bringing the Vendetta to the Wormwood….I don’t know what does it means…and he also told me some words that made me feel…safe…Powerful

After our conversation I asked him “Who are you?” He smiled saying “I am the world forgotten boy…” I saw him feeling that someone had so saved my soul now…

After he left I felt like I was a street walking war dog whit a heart fill of nitroglycerin …I wasn’t afraid of death…I was death.
I killed each motherfucker on my sigh, friend or enemy I didn’t fucking care anymore

….What a fuck I have done now?. I don’t fucking care and now I enjoy the sensation pumping through my veins fill whit hate and knowing that I would win after all….Now where is that Wormwood and what’s the Vendetta all about?

lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2009

Tale of Phil

Sitting by the railway there was an old men. Looking at the dawn as he carried no words, as his tender eyes slowly banished into the huming darkness of the desert.....

The man laughs......

.....As you can tell that he has seen insanity and hell into the eye.

Walking and begging for some coins, old Phil entered into a bar, holding some warm coins in his hand and asking for a drink. His sweat gave him a sticky sensation as the sun was high on the sky.

The bar was dark enough to have a cool sensation, people were tired... It seemed that the place was stoped in time as the flies placed over the people tired looks and then leave...everything was like a daydream were the guys on the bar were resting their faces on the long wooden table, holding the cigs on their mouths or his fingers . A forbidden mantra of hums came out the mouth of Phil. The Bald men whit a big stomach was holding his beer and drinking it as he hummed songs no one cared about..

The Sun was High in the Noon..... and that small piece of land was an island lost in the eternal slumber of the desert...Lost souls who coudnt find their place...a new home...

Phil came out of the place, stumbled and feeling a bit drunk as he walk away of the bar, smiling and laughing trying not to think in the slavery issues...he was sure the goverment would solve those types of conflicts.

He walked to nowhere as he hold his hat, his brown eyes moving arround trying to find some coins in the hot ground as his sweat was all over his yellowish shirt, his weapon was unloaded and the only thing on his eyes was the shine of the railways thanks to the sunlight..

it was arround 16.00 hours when the old Phil decide to take a leak on the outskirts of the town, his yelowish urine touched the hot sand making soft steam as he relaxed on his private moment. feeling how the drunkness was slowly leaving his body to enter in a small headiche...looking arround as he saw the mirage on the desert, that damn mirage that makes you belive theres hope out there...that theres water.. but through the water effect of the mirage he saw something, shaking from side to side like a palm tree about to fall, a dark figure whit red shining eyes and a smile whit sharp teeths...walking towards him, looking to him and penetrating into his soul through those damn red eyes. Phil was scared...

he took his unloaded gun and he try to shoot as he ran into the town, covering the ground whit a trail of urine as his pants were droping, shouting and cursing as the man in black was each time closer to the town, smiling as he whispered softly his name... 'Philip..' he said as his voice was a knife cutting your nerves, fitting as a sharp knive between his fingertips and ripping off his fingernails and skin on one tought movement whit out love or care.

the sun was red as the blood...slowly hiding as the horrible nightmare place his foot on the town know as "Ezekiel".

The man in black suddenly jump behind phil as this one reached the entrance of the bar, shouting as everyone saw the man in black similing....

the fear made them unload their weapons....the stars were bright that night as the shining lights and the thunder sounds of the guns sound over the town....

Hours past...people die as the man in black was holding to phil by his neck carefully as the sound of the ravens carving on the mutilated corpses and the blowing wind the only sounds heard besides the painfull moaning of phil trying to release himself from the man in black hand, crushing his throat.

The man in black only stoped for a moment as he came to his ear whispering

-Do you Know who i am?
phil try to answer as the man in black keep holding his neck but more softly to allow him to talk... Phil could only say

-The Devil....

The man in black only smiled as he whispered in his ear

-I wont kill you.....But ill let you know my name....
the man in black took a knife from his long black duster as he keep holding to Phil.....

A week after the texas ranger arrived to town, they found phil as the only survivor... he didnt speak because he coudnt, he coudnt react to anything because his mind was shattered into pieces...but there was something on his skin, a name......


Phil was taken to a mental asylum on the north of washington. And he waits in fear, not dead but neither alive...as a raven waits next to his cell......

...The texas ranger only found foots steps on the town from a men who would be the reason of all this masacre...Oddly the foots steps were in a direct line on the town and never enter in any building where the corpses where found, neither arround the place where Phil was found.....
the foot steps vanished on the outskirts of the town....but it seem they are heading to the north.

domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2009

Wormwood: 1840

Wellcome to Wormwood.

March 30 1840
This is our small town and we are proud of it!. Its the best place to live!.
Thanks to the vein of silver and gold under the town theres a lot of work on the mine, things coudnt be better!.....

April 3 1841
A year has past...there been odd rumours and a sensation of something here....jeleusy has force to some to comit horrible crimes as the mine is slowly getting dry..
Weird rumours about the indians saying that the land is cursed...no one belives them...

April 30 1841
The Mayor has been found hanging on his own office...no one knows whats going on as the indians only wait......
The Perinal Family has been the first to leave to new orleans, same whit the Jigsaw Family, the Sweetwater family claims that theres something killing the people and the Cattle...

August 25 1841
The Mine is dying...Farmer Jonah Payton has been found dead...he was cut in half by something ....we are afraid......whispers in the night makes us think this place is really cursed.....

March 30 1942

suva es- Eternae et Damnation
harleton hel El Hombre De Negro He is Coming...

October 31 1942.

the town is timeless, people dont go out on the night. We are happy, theres a mannor beeing built. The Old Sweetwater is crazy....

November 25 1942

April 12 1943

We Decide to left town...